Hello and Welcome to Dishman Baptist Church
We are thankful and blessed that you would stop by and check us out.
Please take the time to check out our belief statements, peruse the different ministries we offer and listen to a sermon or two. If you have any prayer requests we would consider it a privilege to pray for you. Let us know by clicking on the Contact Us tab in the menu.
If you like what you see, the next step would be to come and visit us. Our Sunday morning service is an uplifting time of worship with both current worship music and some old favorites as well. There will also be an expository message from God’s Word that helps us to understand God better so that we can love Him more, have a better idea of what His desire is for our lives and proclaim Him to the world outside our doors.
When you join us, our commitment to you is that we will not point you out as visitors, rather we will welcome you as guests. We will take good care of your children and return them to you as good as you gave them to us.
We look forward to your visit and know that we are praying for you even now before we meet you.

Who We Are
Dishman Baptist Church was founded on May 31, 1953 when Lewis Steed, a missionary from the Oregon Washington Baptist General Convention, led a team of 40 people to organize a Baptist mission at the corner of Argonne and Valleyway in Spokane Valley. The church experienced explosive growth in the first few years and was instrumental in planting several Southern Baptist churches in Idaho, Montana, and Washington.
Over the last 67 years much has changed and people have come and gone. The one thing that has remained steadfast here at Dishman is our conviction that the leadership of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and the truth of the Gospel is the impetus behind every effort that we undertake. In his first annual report on Dishman Baptist Church Pastor Steed wrote “The blessings of the Lord on our work is truly a great reward for our little faith. It would have been impossible from a human standpoint to believe we could accomplish this much, but with God all things are possible. This church is a real testimony to what God can do if people will follow His will and be dedicated to His cause.”
We look forward to continuing to glorify Him here in Spokane Valley and to serve Him in any way that He sovereignly directs.

To present every believer, from the cradle to the grave, mature in Christ. (Colossians 1:28)
Connecting People to Christ and One Another through,